Impressions from The PEERS Project

Students (6th Grade)

  • “They explained things I was confused about.”
  • “It teaches me how to stand up for myself.”
  • “The thing I liked best about peers is that they are teens and it’s not awkward talking to them.”
  • “The most important thing to me that I learned was how to say ‘no’ to drugs and alcohol. It was most interesting because I never learned how to actually say ‘no.’ I will always remember the ways to say no: why and feel, refuse to argue, and walk away.”

Students (7th Grade)

  • “When I think of peers, I think of older kids going out of their way to make sure the younger kids have the chance to live a happy, healthy life.”
  • The PEERS presentation was very informative. I noticed I have done some bad things, but I can change and will continue to try. I want to go to college. I DON’T want to be a teen mom…I want children when I know me and the ‘dad’ will last forever.”
  • “I think the PEERS presentation did change some people’s attitudes towards the things they were talking about. I also think they should keep doing this because it helps teens make good decisions.”

Students (8th Grade)

  • “This program was great, and it had a great impact. It taught me many things I did not know before, and if I would have known this I wouldn’t have made a lot of mistakes.”
  • “It helped a lot, thanks for coming. I went from trying drugs to stopping. Thanks.”
  • “They really do affect the decisions of a lot of young students. They should be proud.”
  • “Makes me look at my own life and wonder if I’m doing everything right in my life.”
  • “I believe that using peers is more effective than adults.”

Peer Leaders

  • “I was bullied and my life was a nightmare, but when I got around the right people who genuinely cared for me, were supportive and motivated me, it made me want to do the same for other kids, so they won’t have to tolerate the bully or go through what I’ve gone through.” – Bri, Peer Leader
  • “PEERS Project taught me…when it comes to making the right choice, make it and even if you’re a minority in that, it’s more important that you stay true to who you are.” – Andrea, Peer Leader
  • “I’m young. I can’t do a lot but I can use my voice to help others. PEERS gives me that platform, where I can make a difference.”– Rachel, Peer Leader


  • “Our peer mentors are changing the texture and culture of our school, and making it a better place. The “leaders” used to be students who used drugs and were sexually active. Now our PEERS leaders are setting a positive example. Now it’s cool to be a virgin and not use drugs!”
  • “Young people listen to other young people and this fact is what makes the PEERS Project program so effective. The high school students learn the lessons of planning, organizing, listening and execution. Our North Central students have taken great civic pride in putting their program together and have viewed it as a type of community service. I agree that it is a very important service to the community and has had tremendous impact upon the social awareness and consciences of our students.”