Q: What is needed to collaborate with The PEERS Project?
A: It can be implemented in any school district, organization, or community where there are enough interested teen role models to serve as Peer Leaders, and one or more adults to coordinate The PEERS Project.
Q: Can the program be held at locations other than schools?
A: Yes. It can be (and is) implemented by youth-serving organizations in such locations as community centers, YMCAs, and churches.
Q: Does the program cost anything?
A: Within Indiana, no, the program is free to partners. The PEERS Project is funded by charitable contributions from corporate and personal donors, as well as federal, state and local grants. In other states, it is priced competitively. See Getting Involved for more information.
Q: What is the source of The PEERS Project’s curriculum?
A: The curriculum was developed by Eve Jackson, M.S., an educator with 20 years of experience, and initially underwritten by St. Vincent Hospitals and Health Care Services in Indianapolis. It has been continually updated using the latest medically accurate, research-based data.
Q: Is this sex education?
A: It does not teach human reproduction. PEERS’ positive youth development model equips teens with the cognitive and social skills and competencies they need to develop a healthy sense of identity, the central task of adolescence. Our Peer Leaders’ message is clear and consistent for all risky behavior: For optimal health and the best life, develop healthy relationships and avoid risky behaviors, including alcohol and other drugs, and sexual activity.